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Showing posts from December, 2022

How To Find A Lost Cat After 24 Hours

You’ve been searching for your lost cat all day, and you’re getting desperate. It’s late, and your cat is probably hungry and thirsty by now. Is there anything you can do to find him? The answer, unfortunately, is not really that simple. Lost cats usually have a distinctive scent, so if you can get close enough to smell him, he’s probably nearby. But even if you can find him, you may not be able to bring him home right away. Here are a few tips to help you find your lost cat after 24 hours: 1. Make a list of all the places your cat might go in a 24-hour period. This could include his favorite spots outdoors, any hiding spots he likes, and any areas he frequents inside the house. 2. Try to use your sense of smell as much as possible when looking for your cat. Pinpoint his location by using his scent as your guide. 3. If you find your cat but he’s traumatized or injured in some way, take him to the veterinarian immediately so that he can be treated and re-homed safely. 4. If all else fai...