He drinks a lot of water. And that’s a good thing, right? Well, apparently not: dogs (like us humans) have a large body surface area, which means they need large amounts of water to stay alive and healthy. This body-water density is obviously very high in mammals, so they need to drink lots of water to survive. This is not the case in birds and reptiles, because their bodies are small and the surface area is low compared to their body size (which would be exactly the opposite with birds and reptiles). But then again, dogs are mammals too. So why does my dog drink so damn much water? Well, for one thing, it’s quite common for people with dogs to keep them on leashes when you take them for walks at all times (and other dogs may do this as well). To put it another way: if I want my dog to drink as much as possible when I’m out walking him every day at all times — or if I want him to drink multiple liters per day — he has no alternative than drinking lots of water while I walk him!...